Bike polo is a fast-paced multi-gender sport played internationally by a welcoming community that interacts and competes globally.
This video sets out the basics:
and this map shows the cities that bike polo is played in internationally:
We run dedicated new player nights at the Unigym outdoor courts in Sandy Bay on Tuesday evenings, 5:30-7:30pm. Anyone is welcome and we can provide all the necessary equipment.
We play also Thursday nights, these sessions are aimed at more regular players and are either $10 on the night, or $5 as a recurring transfer.
For more details, join our Facebook group:
Drills for all levels can be found here: http://bikepolodrills.tumblr.com/
Club Bank Details:
Name: TUU Hobart Bike Polo Club
BSB: 067 104
Acc #: 10305567
If you have any queries contact us at: tuuhbpc [at] gmail.com
and join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HobartPolo/
TUSA Clubs and Societies
This is a page created by the TUSA on behalf of the Hobart Bike Polo.
Starting a Club or Society
Can’t find something that suits your interests? Learn about starting your own club here!