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These are your elected student representatives for 2024.

See the State Council’s Key Focus Areas for 2024 here, read about what they are working on here, and read about their perspectives here.

Read the State Council Annual Report to see what they do and what they achieved in 2023.


Liam McLaren (he/him)

Hey everyone! I’m Liam, your 2024 TUSA President. I’m in my Honours ‘era’ of pursuing a Bachelor of Science, focusing on regenerative agriculture, do not ask me when I will be finished… I’m a sports enthusiast, history geek, and love to explore new places.

No you are not going crazy, this is my second year as TUSA President!  In my role I oversee the TUSA State Council and collaborate closely with the staff to address your concerns with the University. My responsibilities include shaping TUSA’s strategic direction, advocating for student rights, and engaging with students to understand their needs. I’m particularly passionate about amplifying student voice and representation, addressing issues of sexual violence and racism, and leaving your student association in a better place than which I found it.

My team and I actively participate in various UTAS committees to advocate for your interests and bring your feedback to the decision-making process. We aim to make students true partners in shaping university policies.

As student representatives, our main objective is to represent you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me regarding event ideas, issues at UTAS or TUSA, opportunities to get involved, or simply for a chat! I’m excited to meet you and you can contact me anytime at

Equity President

Mark Warrington (he/him)

Hello everyone! I’m Mark Warrington (he/him), your Equity President for 2024. I’m proud to represent the diverse voices and experiences within our university community. Currently, I’m in the third year of the Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science, majoring in Governance. I have a lived experience with Vision and Hearing impairment (Ushers syndrome Type 2A) and am a member of the Queer community. A mature age student, I have a rich history, first establishing a career in the Agricultural Service sector. From working as an Irrigation manager on a station in far western New South Wales, to supplying farmers with animal husbandry and fencing materials, and travelling the world working on a range of agricultural enterprises from the prairies of Northern Alberta in Canada to the densely cultivated fields of Scandinavia. More recently I have spent twenty years working with and for Indigenous Australians across the Northern Territory, Western Australia and parts of South Australia, managing businesses owned by Indigenous Australians and later working in the Australian Public service ensuring that food security needs were maintained so that some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of our society have access to affordable and nutritious food and items for healthy living at reasonable prices. I have a passion for how corporations and bureaucracies operate in spaces where social outcomes lose out to financial considerations. So often corporations in pursuit of financial success, forget that If we make things easier for vulnerable members of our community the whole community benefits.

Creating an inclusive and equitable society is my utmost passion, both within the University and in the broader community. UTAS attracts individuals from various backgrounds, and it’s crucial to break down the social and academic barriers that students face.

I’m particularly dedicated to advocating for individuals with Disabilities, LGBTQIA+ community members, and people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, including First Nations peoples. I’m here to listen to every student and ensure that everyone, has a seat at the table.

As your Student Representative, I’m committed to being accessible and approachable. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at with any concerns or issues you’d like to discuss. Your voice matters, and I’m here to advocate for you!

Education President (Undergraduate)

Kt Lertsinpakdee (she/her)

Hi all! My name is Kt (she/her) and I am your 2024 TUSA Undergraduate Education President. I am studying the Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine, and I have previously completed a Bachelor of Medical Research. If I am not in meetings advocating for improved student welfare or strategising for our next campaign, you can catch me daydreaming about my next trip abroad or taking care of my foster kittens.

As Undergraduate Education President, my role is primarily academic representation of undergraduate student interests at the highest levels of university administration. Jargon aside, it means that I am here to raise issues that you have about your education and to ensure that those concerns are addressed appropriately.

I am keenly aware that students require more than delivery of high quality education to achieve academic success. Student welfare concerns such as access to nutritious food, secure housing and comprehensive primary healthcare are all major contributing factors to academic achievement and satisfaction with the student experience. Considerations for student welfare are an often neglected part of academic planning discussions and I aim to fiercely advocate for our issues, our voices, to be heard.

To achieve these goals, I need your assistance in providing me with insights about the diverse range of degrees that students are studying. Whether you have significant concerns or minor issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at

Education President (Postgraduate)

Shan-Yu Yu(she/her)

Hi everyone, I’m Shan-Yu, your 2024 Education President (Postgraduate)! I’m in my final year of my Masters in Business Administration. As your elected representative, I’ll dedicate my time to being a platform for the postgraduate community to improve your time at uni. In addition, I aim to enhance employment opportunities, and add language improvement workshops for our international student community. With this, I hope to build a strong, social community to support our postgraduate cohort.  

Something about me – you may have seen me around at the recently reopened Ref space where I also work as a TUSA Food Hub coordinator. I got my start at TUSA as a volunteer for Freshie Bags, where I exercised my passion for food and for helping students increase their level of food security. 

I look forward to collecting suggestions, ideas, and concerns from you all. Please don’t hesitate to drop me a message at 

Southern Campus President

Jack Oates Pryor (he/they)

Hey everyone!  

I’m Jack, a third-year Arts (Theatre Performance, German) and Laws student, who loves deep chats with friends, good music, and hiking in Tassie’s beautiful wilderness.   

As your Southern Campuses President for 2024, I see that my elected role entails two key strands: advocacy and action.  

I am an empathetic, caring advocate for your needs, and an effective liaison with the University bureaucracy. 

In addition, my role with the Clubs and Societies and TUSA is to actively provide you with the opportunities for a great university experience and student life, catered to you, whether in Sandy Bay, Hobart city, or online.  

As your friendly neighbourhood student representative, I’m always keen to talk with you, whether you’re looking for a friendly chat or to voice your concerns about what’s happening on our campuses. I warmly invite you to approach me in person or email me at Take care, I look forward to seeing you around soon! 

Northern Campus President

Libby Alsop (she/her)

Hey! I’m Libby Alsop, your Northern Campus President for 2024. I enjoy hanging with my friends and family or reading and crafting when I need a break. I’m in my second year of studying sustainability under a Bachelor of Science. Sustainability is not just about the environment; equity, safety, and wellbeing are also key elements, and it is these things that I want to improve for the students of Launceston. I want to be your voice and represent your best interests.  

Let’s be honest, there’s not been much going on, and it’s difficult to find a chance to socialise, making studying all the more isolating. With social support being one of the main factors with good mental health, one of my priorities is to bring life back to our part of the state. 

Between the campus move, rises in the cost of living, and so many units still unavailable on campus in the North, I understand firsthand just how difficult it is to be a student right now. I want to improve student safety and security, to offer better support for students in their transition to Inveresk, and hopefully make it a little bit more enjoyable while you’re studying hard for that degree.  

I need you to help me understand the best way to make improvements, to understand what we really need and what is a true priority for students. I’m here to help you, to speak on your behalf when you’re not being heard, and help you find support when you don’t know where to look. I can’t wait to see what 2024 brings and do my best to make a difference. You can reach out to me anytime at

Cradle Coast Campus President

Angus Bisset Stewart (he/him)


I’m Angus, I’m currently in my 3rd year of my Bachelor of Nursing Degree at Cradle Coast Campus.

I enjoy Sport (Catch me at Burnie Parkrun!), Patting as many dogs as possible, Computers, 2-minute noodles the outdoors.

As your Cradle Coast President, it is my aim to advocate for students in the Cradle coast area. I am very motivated to make sure our Regions voice is heard loud and clear and that students are not left behind. I am also a member of DisCo (disability Collective of Students Identifying with Disabilities and Diverse Health Conditions) and as such accessibility is very important to me. I understand the difficulties of accessing tailored support whilst at university. If you have any thoughts on how your university experience at Cradle Coast Campus could be improved, I would love to hear from you.

I understand that asking for help can be daunting at times but fear not, I am friendly and approachable so please don’t hesitate to contact me. I have plenty of experience with university bureaucracy so please reach out with any concerns regarding your university experience on the cradle coast.

You can contact me at

Rozelle Campus President

Matthew Douglass (he/him)

Hi all!

I’m Matthew and I am a Paramedicine Student at the Rozelle Campus in Sydney. I am also your elected representative for 2024.

My election promise was to put Rozelle on the map, and this is what I strive to do every day.

I am at your disposal to assist with any issues you may have whether individual or systemic, big or small.

If you’d like to know more, become involved with TUSA or have an issue with something university-related, shoot me an email at or catch me on campus, I am here to help.

Stay classy San Diego Sydney,


State Council Non-Elected Support Staff

Chloe Harris – State Council Executive Assistant/Campaign Manager (she/they)

Chloe has been selected by the State Council to support them in the implementation of campaigns on key issues faced by students. Here’s a bit about Chloe:

As the Executive Assistant/Campaign Coordinator, I support the State Council in the execution of their student-focused projects. I’m responsible for managing most of what you see on the TUSA State Council social media pages. I ensure that students are aware of who the State Council members are and what they are working on. I collaborate with the State Council to share the messages they want students to know and keep them informed about how their State Council is supporting them.

In addition to this role, I’m also in my final year of a Bachelor of Arts and Business, which keeps me quite busy. However, when I do find some free time, I enjoy reading, writing, playing video games, and getting out in nature. If you happen to see me around, don’t hesitate to say hi!

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