We welcome all car and bike owners and encourage students to engage in their passion with other enthusiasts!

The UTAS Car and Motorcycle Society welcomes all car and bike owners! We provide free access to tools, servicing and mechanical tips, host social events and cruises around the state, and an annual track day to allow students (and non-students) to engage in their passion with other friendly enthusiasts!
If you’d like to join our society please head onto utcmsmembership.getqpay.com or get in contact with Leenah Ali (jason.alilavroff@utas.edu.au).
Membership fees for the current calendar year is $10.
Membership fees are to be paid to the following account:
Account Name: UTCMS
BSB: 067 104
Account: 1032 4717
Description: Your name
TUSA Clubs and Societies
This is a page created by the TUSA on behalf of the UTAS Car and Motorcycle Club
Starting a Club or Society
Can’t find something that suits your interests? Learn about starting your own club here!